Dear Jill Amy,

I’ve been thinking about leaving my job for another, because I hate my job, but I don't have the new job yet - what should I do?

Signed, M.B., Florence Oregon

Dear M.B., Florence Oregon,

Dear M.B.
Replacing the dislike of a job with the worry of money is not a fair trade. One must always ask self what “is it I truly want?” If the job you hate so much is causing you illness, but quitting will cause you more illness because you will be sick with the worry of money then do not quit.

Time is fluid. One must often be patient within their circumstance, but that doesn’t mean one will be happy with their circumstance. We know you are not happy. But often quitting a job due to unhappiness may only bring more unhappiness and this we would not want for you.

We ask that you decide whether this is a good time to quit your job, but not based on your hate, based on your next best thing. But what is your next best thing?

Making a decision to quit a job can leave room so the next best thing can find you, but this means, you need to make that decision with the utmost clarity and intent. In other words a decision based in love, not fear or hate. And we believe you have not done this enough.

So perhaps this is your perfect time, but we think not. We think you will be worried about money, we think the next job won’t find you soon enough so we say wait to quit. And while you are waiting we ask that you focus on what would bring you joy. Would it be to find the same job but with different people? Is it to do something different?

What is your desire for self? Is job just about money? Is job about satisfaction? Is job about working with great people? Is job just a means to an end? We think you are one who would like to work so we ask that you find a new job. But we also ask that you stop hating existing job because it is temporary and life is a funny mix of emotion and practicality. One or the other can win, but for you, in this job they both have something to tell you.

The more you understand this connection between practicality and emotion the easier it will be for you to find a way to create a new job and that freedom will bring you joy.

Namaste and blessings on your path,

Cards that inspired this reading:
Two Of Wands, The Lovers, The Chariot, Ten Of Cups, Three Of Pentacles, The Devil, Four Of Pentacles, Ace Of Pentacles, Page Of Cups, Page Of Pentacles, The Emperor

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