Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a Dear Abby for the Spiritual Set? Huzzah! There is! It’s Dear Jill Amy!

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Dear Jill Amy,

I've been having trouble sleeping. Friends have recommended natural remedies that could help, but I'm not so keen on taking them. Do you have any other suggestions - perhaps a suggestion that speaks to my spirit and soul?

Signed, FP from Eugene, OR

Dear FP from Eugene, OR,

Your heart has something to teach you. Every night before you go to bed – place your hand on your heart and massage it. Speak quietly inside you and find words to soothe her. You might try, “you are safe,” “you are relaxed,” “you are loved.” Then massage arms and neck. When done, place both hands on your heart and breathe deeply feeling the love you have offered self.

Whatever you choose to say, allow what you do say to honor both you and your heart. Anxiety is born of fear. And although you may not feel anxious – we feel that your desire to be loved and feel love (as is true for all creatures) will soothe every bone in your body.

Namaste and blessings on your path,

Cards that inspired this reading:
The Magician, Page Of Cups, Ten Of Cups, Three Of Pentacles, Three Of Wands, Nine Of Pentacles, Six Of Pentacles, Four Of Pentacles, Knight Of Swords, Four Of Cups, King Of Cups.

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